Braces Don’t Just Give You a Pretty Smile, It Has Its Health Benefits, Too

You might be wondering, “why should I get braces for my child if they have crooked teeth or misaligned jaw?” Although braces can cause discomfort and it may add to your expenses, braces actually play a part in the well-being of your child.

Being a provider of pediatric dental care in Fairfax, we provide you with a few reasons as to why your child should have braces if it is prescribed by their dentist:

1. It Improves Their Bite

Although one of the reasons to get braces is to align crooked teeth, they are also used to align crooked bites. “Bite” is a dental term that talks about how the upper and lower teeth fit together. When your child has gaps in their bite because of crooked or missing teeth, then it can affect their ability to break down food, which is important in healthy digestion. If they have a misaligned bite, then they may not be able to chew properly, or even eat!

If you leave this untreated, then your child may find it painful as their jaw has to work harder to chew, which can result in lockjaw or even jaw pain related to headaches. When severe, it could require complex dental and medical treatment in the future.

2. It Enhances the Alignment of Their Jaw

When their teeth are overcrowded or their jaw is misaligned, then it can cause speech impediments in your child. However, what’s great pediatric dental care fairfax about this is that your child can get orthodontic treatment to address the alignment of their palate and jaw that may be the root cause of speech impediments. Initially, before the braces are applied, an expander may be used to widen the palate.

Expanding their palate can also help in improving their breathing, lessen their snoring, and even potentially improve ear and sinus issues that could have been because of the jaw misalignment.

3. It Promotes Better Oral Hygiene Habits

When your child has crowded and misaligned teeth, it may be harder for them to clean. With this, it could cause bacteria to build up, which will ultimately lead to gum disease and cavities. Therefore, when your child has braces to correct their misaligned teeth, it can improve flossing and brushing.

As braces require more maintenance, your child develops oral health habits they have to maintain to keep their teeth healthy and clean. Children need to learn how to brush and floss in between brackets to properly remove plaque and bacteria from the teeth. When this habit is maintained, it will result in better oral health outcomes in the future.

4. It Boosts Their Self-Confidence

When they feel more confident in themselves, it will improve their mental well-being as well. With a beautiful smile, your child will feel like they can do anything and take on tasks and challenges in life that will allow them to grow and even nurture their relationships with others.

Does Your Child Have Crooked Teeth, an Overbite, or an Underbite?

Have them checked our clinic today! Greater Washington Dentistry provides pediatric dental care in Fairfax, VA, which includes orthodontic treatment and preventive care services. Our pediatric dentists work to ensure your children develop healthy and beautiful teeth that will boost their confidence and allow them to smile confidently for years to come.

Schedule an appointment with us today!

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